My little guy playing with blocks, his name spelled out in the foreground :) 

Sidenote, t
his file was originally about 5x the size and Weebly said I couldn't go over 10MB per photo.  So I tried to resize it but ended up shrinking it a lot smaller than intended :-/ Maybe later I'll retweak the original and put a bigger/better quality one on here. 

Nikon D5100 - ISO 400, s/s 1/3, f/4.5
11/26/2013 11:34:15 am

This is super! I love how you took the focus off of your little guy and placed it instead on the blocks in the front!


What a great picture!!! He looks like he's having a grand ol' time!! And I'm with Missy, the blocks in front are awesome!!

About your sidenote, I completely understand!! I ran out of room fairly quickly. So I resized all the original pictures and replaced the huge ones I'd already put up with the smaller versions. I'm trying to limit mine to just one, too. I hope we have enough room to last the year!!! ;0)

12/2/2013 10:56:40 am

This is so cool. I love how you captured him in the background playing with the blocks.


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