So today was crazy busy, I felt like I was running from one thing to the next, and I really didn't have time to pull out my Nikon and get some good shots (even though I had plans for the snow!). So yes this is another iPhone photo.  I was rushing to work, running over 10 minutes late, the roads were icy, and I was a bit cranky because I'm already over winter! Oh and in keeping with my stressful day, I was out of wiper fluid, so had streaks across the windshield.  That kind of worked out though because I liked how it spread the lights to kind of mirror the reflection off the road. So yeah, here's.... something. :)

11/22/2013 04:50:19 am

I like the way the lights are reflected in this shot. No excuses. The important thing is your took a photo with whatever you had available :)


What a cool picture!! I'm sorry you had such a stressful evening, though!!

11/23/2013 11:19:16 am

This is a great shot, I love the blurr of the motion in the lights of the car! I want to try this!!


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