My husband thought it'd be a lot of fun to start the Elf on the Shelf tradition, so I caved and let him get one.  I really need some brilliant but simple idea like this. He's seriously made out of felt (*cough*feels cheap*cough*) and sells for $30 (yeah he also comes with a book, but still...).  Anyway, back to the picture stuff :)  Somewhere my cousin mentioned how she likes to do black and white with one area in color, so I decided to try that for this photo.  Yes, I confess I went back to Picasa, and it's probably a bit evident given the color isn't completely restricted to the elf.  I'm thinking I might try watching a Photoshop Elements tutorial each night to aid my learning there, then maybe I won't be so quick to ditch it :-/  Has anyone else tried this, or do you have a recommendation of where I can go for free tutorials on PSE techniques? YouTube is the first thing that came to mind, but I haven't checked there yet.  Guess I can consult Mr. Google too :) 

Nikon D5100 - ISO 320, s/s 1/80, f/2.2

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