So today got interesting.  My youngest son has been fighting an intermittent croupy cough since Monday evening, and this morning it decided to get a lot worse.  We ended up in the doctor's office before noon, and about an hour later they were sending us to the hospital to admit him.  It's been a very long day, I am very tired, and I am posting this from his hospital room. 

Ironically enough I pass this hospital on my way to and from work all week long, and I've thought many times on my way home (I finish at 1 AM) that it would be a great place to get a photo of the city at night due to it's perch atop a hill.  So tonight I figured I'd give it a shot and got permission to use an empty ICU room with a big window that faces the city lights.  Mind you, I did not have my tripod with me, I was shooting through a glass window, and there was some glare from the hall light behind me. One of these days I'd like to return with my tripod and see if I can convince them to let me take a picture of the city from the rooftop. :)

My baby boy is improving, by the way, and of course I waited until he was sound asleep to slip away for the pics. I also wanted to throw it out there that I am behind on the commenting I plan to do - thank you for bearing with me!  I still intend to go around and check out more photos etc., I'm sorry for the delay though. 

Nikon D5100 - ISO 6400, s/s 2s, f/11

You posted from the hospital. I think you're doing a pretty good job at keeping up!!!!! I glad little man is doing better!!! And the city lights are gorgeous!!! I've noticed that!!!!!

11/21/2013 01:27:31 pm

Thank you! :)

11/15/2013 11:34:20 am

Oh my I hope your little one is better soon! Such a sweet photo of him sleeping. Your city scene looks great, despite your "less than ideal" circumstances, the lights look really nice! Hang in there!!

11/21/2013 01:27:57 pm



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