Today I chose to photograph the beautiful orchid blooming in my front window.  The plant was a gift from my oldest brother to our family when my youngest son was born 13 months ago.  For a long time we thought we'd managed to kill it - it looked SO dead! The blooms fell off with no return, the stalks looked dried up and seemed to be darkening, and the leaves drooped listlessly over the sides of the pot.  My mom kept watering it faithfully once a week, and we brainstormed different ideas to try and perk it up, though I don't know that we really got around to trying any because I honestly thought it was a lost cause.  Then one day my mom moved it to the front windowsill.  I don't remember if it was intentional or if we were just cleaning and needed it off the ledge, but apparently that's all it needed! See for yourself below :)  (the reddish background is my window sheers)

11/13/2013 05:13:12 pm

Orchids can be funny:) I like both photos...I like the left one a little bit more because it's brighter...otherwise I like the softness of both:)

11/14/2013 11:15:58 am

This is a terrific photo, I love, love the red sheers behind the flower!!


Gorgeous pictures!!!!! Soft, feminine and just oh so pretty!!!!!


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